
Tolland Solar Project

Utility WMECO

System Owner NuGen Capital Management

Energy Offtaker Town of Agawam and Town of Longmeadow

Incentive Program MA SREC I Program

Sun Powering Western Massachusetts

The Tolland Solar Project is a 4.0 MW (DC) utility-scale solar PV generation facility located in Tolland, Massachusetts on a 65-acre lease of land. The generation facility interconnects to Western Massachusetts Electric Company, providing enough electricity to power more than 1,500 homes.

The Economic Benefits of Clean Energy

In addition to the Massachusetts solar incentive of approximately $450/SREC, this project produces revenue as well as clean power

  • Power Sale for 20 years
  • A 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Accelerated Depreciation:Under the Accelerated Depreciation rules, the owner of the solar system may deduct roughly 20% of the total system cost each year for five years

Sustainable Power, A Sustainable Environment for Massachusetts

The Tolland solar project’s 3,800 kW capacity not only reduces energy costs for the Western Massachusetts Electric company and the residents of MA, but it also helps both the utility and the Commonwealth meet their sustainability goals. 3,800 kW of solar power is the equivalent of

  • The CO2 emissions of 3,094,119 pounds of burned coal
  • The greenhouse gas emission of a passenger vehicle driven 6,931,433 miles
  • The carbon sequestered by 3,331 acres of US forests in one year

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